Our Volunteers and Staff

Our Volunteers and Staff

"Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has".  
--Margaret Mead 1901-1978

Crescent Community Clinic has an all-volunteer staff of licensed providers, an AmeriCorps VISTA team of volunteers, several Urban Senior Jobs Program participants, Career Source participants, ATA Career Center and general volunteers who do a variety of healthcare services and duties.

Physicians, psychiatrists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, medical assistants, therapists, counselors, licensed practical nurses, university and college-student interns, high school students, Urban Senior Jobs participants, AmeriCorps VISTA members and many from other fields of expertise have all given freely of their time and skills.

We are grateful for the many volunteers that over the fifteen years of service have donated countless hours of compassionate and professional assistance. With their help, quality medical and mental health care has been made available to all who qualify, regardless of ability to pay.

Please contact the Clinic at 352-610-9916 for more information on how to join our team, or fill out the application below.

DrZ DelmaA DrA DrC Lisa_C DrE DrM DrDebP LillianR MarciaSTherapist Bev_S SherryS Dr.W NancyA RalphABonnieS ChristinaRExecutiveDirector CindyD BobP DrMr DavidD SusanF BruceE