Help Support Our Mission
As the Clinic does not receive any government funding, it relies on grants and donations from our patients, businesses, social and service organizations, foundations and individuals. No patient is ever turned away due to inability to donate.
The quickest and easiest way you can support access to health care for our patients is online through Pay Pal. Just click the button here to save lives!
By Mail
You can also send your 100% tax-deductible donation by check to Crescent Community at:
Crescent Community Clinic
5244 Commercial Way
Spring Hill , FL 34606
We will mail you a receipt for your records..
Support Fundraising Events and Have Fun
We have fund raising events through the year.
Crescent Community Clinic appreciates our volunteer! All one ever needs to volunteer at the clinic is a compassionate and willing spirit and a few hours of time. If you can volunteer just a few hours or more, please come to the clinic and speak with our administrator and take a tour of the clinic to meet other volunteers. After touring the clinic you may have a better sense of what we do and ho your talents and skills can be utilized to assist us to provide the best health care possible.
A donation in honor of your loved one will provide continued access to health care for uninsured, indigent and under-served adults, ages 18 to 64 who meet Federal Poverty Guidelines and who have a chronic health condition or a diagnosed mental illness so that they do not go to the hospital emergency room for non-emergent health care.
Medical Equipment
From time to time we are looking for donations of gently used medical equipment.
Currently we are looking for
- wheelchairs in good condition.
- Unexpired medications are also appreciated.